Predictive AI – a way forward for B2B Marketing teams

Oh yes, not another blog on AI. But let’s start here: You’re in a meeting and the CEO has announced the acquisition of a new company, and they want to integrate them into the marketing plan now, extracting insights from their 2,000 customers so that you can market your solutions to them.

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Oh yes, not another blog on AI.


But let’s start here: You’re in a meeting and the CEO has announced the acquisition of a new company, and they want to integrate them into the marketing plan now, extracting insights from their 2,000 customers so that you can market your solutions to them.

Or, perhaps, you’re at the other end of an acquisition, the company has grown through acquisition, and now you’ve got customer data sat in various systems, you’ve been told to do ABM to the largest of these companies, and to create look-alike opportunities in new markets.

With everyone chattering on about AI, it’s easy to  miss real value opportunities – beyond content creation and calendar management.

Those aspects of AI sit firmly in the Generative AI camp – but AI machine learning has been around for decades, probably far longer than you think (1957 to be exact).

Part of that category is predictive AI, that combines historical data and statistical algorithms to apply prediction models against certain data sets.

It’s powerful because of its ability to process vast amounts of data, and to spot granular patterns that humans can easily miss – but it still needs people to do the sense checking and the translation of that insight into action.

Going back to our examples – predictive AI can help you quickly achieve these objectives – with some caveats:

  • You’ll need to do quite a bit of data work once it comes over to refine the models. This can include supplementing data for example, in order to drive more value from the models.
  • You’ll need deep strategic marketing & industry knowledge to translate the insights into effective action plans


Imagine, an unarguable ICP in just a couple of weeks, a clear ranking of which prospects and customers you should target for which solution in order to be most successful.

Ultimately the largest benefit is that it helps to increase your marketing revenue generation & profit contribution, which is a must against a landscape of shrinking budgets and resources.


Blue Cloud AI is a managed service offering from Ice Blue Sky and Cloudapps, designed to accelerate marketing’s time to value using predictive AI. We’ll do the data work, the modelling and give you ready to go Go to Market Plans designed to increase your marketing revenue.

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Interactive Journey

Oh yes, not another blog on AI.

But let’s start here: You’re in a meeting and the CEO has announced the acquisition of a new company, and they want to integrate them into the marketing plan now, extracting insights from their 2,000 customers so that you can market your solutions to them.

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