Ice Blue Sky

Unlocking new partner growth: Part 3

When the Channel reflects 90% of your business revenues and routes-to-market are shifting, unlocking new partner growth in a competitive market is key. In this blog we look at the third challenge – overcoming internal silos. Challenge #3 – Overcoming internal silos “Build it and they shall come”… a quote we all know not to […]

Unlocking new partner growth: Part 2

Challenge #2 – Getting heard, creating partner preference Just as the end-user buyer journey has changed with an exponential rise in touch points needed, how we engage with the partner sellers and teams also needs to evolve. How can you ensure you are heard in a competitive market where all vendors are shouting loud to […]

Unlocking new partner growth: Part 1

When the Channel reflects 90% of your business revenues, routes-to-market are shifting, and there are significant market headwinds, what can you do to achieve more with the Channel? Although we have a number of routes-to-market, a common factor across these is that we still must create partner preference for our brand and solutions. There are […]